- Software Engineer @ Pivotal Cloud Foundry (January 2018-Present)
- As a member of the CAPI team, I've helped ship Cloud Controller API features like revisions, metadata, and rolling deployments.
- Paired, test driven development in Ruby.
- Camera Software Engineer @ Lytro (August 2016-August 2017)
- Developed a high-performance, distributed, cinema camera with near-real-time embedded Linux.
- Used AVX intrinsics in C++ to live-demodulate 4K+ light field images with minimal induced latency.
- Software Engineer @ Pivotal Cloud Foundry (Summer 2015-August 2016)
- As a member of the CF-Diego team I helped to make Cloud Foundry's next generation container scheduler ready for production.
- Agile, paired, test driven development in Go.
- Software Engineer Intern @ Arista Networks (Summer 2019)
- Designed and prototyped high-performance embedded software.
- Programmed Broadcom switching ASICs in C/C++ and Python.
- Network and Maintenance @ Berkeley Student Cooperative (Fall-Spring 2013)
- Maintained a commercial wireless network servicing 130 people.
- Performed household maintenance of a large student cooperative.
- Python Content Developer @ Learnstreet (Summer 2012)
- Designed, wrote, edited, and tested an interactive online Python course
- Purchasing Expeditor @ Maverick International (Summer 2012)
- Adjusted shipping schedules by phone for manufacturing efficiency.
- University of California, Berkeley, CA (2011-2015)
- Kamiak High School, Mukilteo, WA (2007-2011)